I am a Christian mom and I read leadership blogs, not because I am hankering to trade my home for a conference room but because much of what they say applies to me.

After all, I am the manager of my home; I oversee the functioning of a busy household and I teach and train the future generation. I find that much of what business leaders say is motivational as well as applicable to me; mom of many-wife of one-follower of Jesus.

I keep quoting Michael Hyatt on my blog because he writes wisdom. Consider this; How Differences With Your Spouse Can Make Your Marriage Stronger. Michael may have been CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers but he has, apparently, been thinking about the whole marriage thing for a long time. I can learn from him.

Another post by Mr. Hyatt addresses the battle that some of us face every morning as we get out of bed. Read this creative look at starting our day Slay Your Dragons before Breakfast.

Really, that’s why I read these kind of posts. I have lots of dragons to slay. Some days I feel like I am in a jousting match against the world and my mind and emotions can take a downward spiral unless I read good, solid, practical advice on how to focus my mind so I can do what is right even in the confines of my home where no one will fire me:-).

I have met many women who tell me that “someday” they plan to read more…when they have the time. Actually, they have the time now but they are choosing to use it for other things. I know that some of us are “Marys” (ie. contemplative) and others are “Marthas” (ie, “do-ers”) but all of us have thoughts we are continually thinking throughout the day. And those thoughts influence our actions. Why not renew your mind, first with God’s word and then with the wisdom of fellow Christians who have proven themselves to be people who get things done? Why not read?