(and other wise and mysterious truths you didn’t know you needed to hear).

Are you ready to begin taking dominion over your “stuff?” I’ve written a guest post over at The Grocery Shrink blog and I invite you to visit and read it here.

Angela says some very nice things about me on her blog and I appreciate her kind words but I do want to make a correction. I have not spent most of my life working for Wycliffe Bible Translators in Bible translation. My husband and I were members of Wycliffe  Bible Translators and worked in the technical support side which is called JAARS.

We were members for over eight years but that was quite a while ago. Angela is to be forgiven for not quite getting the facts straight because she is a busy mom on the countdown for her (I believe) sixth baby! Pray for a healthy baby and easy delivery and recovery for this busy frugal mom who helps us all shrink our grocery bills.